# Add a frame to a given component (ie duplicate last one)
def addframe(comp):
if (comp is None):
new_comp = comp.copy()
f = new_comp.addframe() # easier - done in delphi code :-)
undo = quarkx.action()
undo.exchange(comp, new_comp)
mapeditor().ok(undo, "add frame")
return f
# Add a triangle to a given component
def addtriangle(comp,v1,v2,v3,s1,t1,s2,t2,s3,t3):
if (comp is None) or (v1 is None) or (v2 is None) or (v3 is None):
if (s1 is None) or (s2 is None) or (s3 is None):
if (t1 is None) or (t2 is None) or (t3 is None):
tris = comp.triangles
tris = tris + [((v1,s1,t1),(v2,s2,t2),(v3,s3,t3))]
new_comp = comp.copy()
new_comp.triangles = tris
undo = quarkx.action()
undo.exchange(comp, new_comp)
mapeditor().ok(undo, "add triangle")
# Add a vertex to a given component at origin specified
def addvertex(comp, org):
if (comp is None) or (org is None):
new_comp = comp.copy()
frames = new_comp.findallsubitems("", ':mf') # find all frames
for frame in frames:
vtxs = frame.vertices
vtxs = vtxs + [org]
frame.vertices = vtxs
undo = quarkx.action()
undo.exchange(comp, new_comp)
mapeditor().ok(undo, "add vertex")
# Checks triangle for vertex [index]
def checkTriangle(tri, index):
for c in tri:
if ( c[0] == index): # c[0] is the 'vertexno'
return 1
return 0
# Find triangles containing a selected vertex [index]
def findTriangles(comp, index):
tris = comp.triangles
tris_out = [ ]
for tri in tris:
isit = checkTriangle(tri, index)
if (isit == 1):
tris_out = tris_out + [ tri ]
return tris_out
def fixTri(tri, index):
new_tri = [ ]
for c in tri:
v = 0
if ( c[0] > index):
v = c[0]-1
v = c[0]
s = c[1]
t = c[2]
new_tri = new_tri + [(v,s,t)]
return (new_tri[0], new_tri[1], new_tri[2])
# goes through tri list: if greaterthan index then takes 1 away from vertexno
def fixUpVertexNos(tris, index):
new_tris = [ ]
for tri in tris:
x = fixTri(tri, index)
new_tris = new_tris + [x]
return new_tris
def checkinlist(tri, toberemoved):
for tbr in toberemoved:
if (tri == tbr):
return 1
return 0
# remove a vertex from a component
def removevertex(comp, index):
if (comp is None) or (index is None):
#### 1) find all triangles that use vertex 'index' and delete them.
toBeRemoved = findTriangles(comp, index)
tris = comp.triangles
new_tris = []
for tri in tris:
p = checkinlist(tri, toBeRemoved)
if (p==0):
new_tris = new_tris + [ tri ]
enew_tris = fixUpVertexNos(new_tris, index)
new_comp = comp.copy() # create a copy to edit (we store the old one in the undo list)
new_comp.triangles = enew_tris
#### 2) loop through all frames and delete vertex.
frames = new_comp.findallsubitems("", ':mf') # find all frames
for frame in frames:
old_vtxs = frame.vertices
vtxs = old_vtxs[:index] + old_vtxs[index+1:]
frame.vertices = vtxs
#### 3) re-build all views
undo = quarkx.action()
undo.exchange(comp, new_comp)
mapeditor().ok(undo, "remove vertex")
# Is a given object still in the tree view, or was it removed ?
def checktree(root, obj):
while obj is not root:
t = obj.parent
if t is None or not (obj in t.subitems):
return 0
obj = t
return 1
# The UserDataPanel class, overridden to be model-specific.
class MdlUserDataPanel(UserDataPanel):
def btnclick(self, btn):
# Send the click message to the module mdlbtns.
import mdlbtns
#def drop(self, btnpanel, list, i, source):
#if len(list)==1 and list[0].type == ':g':
# quarkx.clickform = btnpanel.owner
# editor = mapeditor()
# if editor is not None and source is editor.layout.explorer:
# choice = quarkx.msgbox("You are about to create a new button from this group. Do you want the button to display a menu with the items in this group ?\n\nYES: you can pick up individual items when you click on this button.\nNO: you can insert the whole group in your map by clicking on this button.",
# if choice == MR_CANCEL:
# return
# if choice == MR_YES:
# list = [group2folder(list[0])]
#UserDataPanel.drop(self, btnpanel, list, i, source)